General conditions of Sale

1. Regulatory law

these conditions of sale are governed exclusively by Italian law.

2. Negotiation and conclusion of the contract

This purchase order has the value of a contractual proposal (so-called order proposal). This order, even if taken by agents and/or employees of the Seller, does not bind the Seller until the latter has accepted it in writing, including via email. Once acceptance has been received, in accordance with the order proposal, the buyer is required to pay the confirmation deposit as a condition for completing the contract. with the payment of the confirmatory deposit the contract is considered concluded. Any changes subsequent to the conclusion of the contract must be agreed between the Parties in writing, including via email. In the absence of acceptance of the order proposal within 30 days, it will be considered lapsed.

3. Product characteristics

By formulating the purchase order, the Buyer acknowledges that he has carefully examined the technical, functional and aesthetic characteristics of the products ordered and that he considers them suitable and to his liking, excluding any right to change his mind; furthermore undertakes not to make any modifications to the product.

4. Prices

The prices of the goods are indicated in the order confirmation or in the company price list, are expressed in Euros, net of VAT, and include packaging suitable for shipping. Shipping costs, unless otherwise indicated, will be borne by the Buyer. The prices do not in any case include customs charges, duties, taxes or fees for export and similar.

5. Payments

Payment of the price of the products must be made to the bank account indicated by the Supplier and within the terms included in the order confirmation. In case of delay in payments, the Buyer, without the need for specific formal notice, will be charged interest on late payments at the current rate provided for by Legislative Decree 231/2002. The Supplier will have the right to cancel or suspend orders in progress, for the part not executed, if the buyer is not up to date with payments, or due to the latter's lack and/or decreased guarantee of solvency, without incurring any penalty. and with express waiver of the Buyer for any damages.

6. Transport and delivery

The supply of goods is understood to be Ex Works; in any case, the risks relating to the supply pass to the Buyer from the moment of its collection at the Seller's factory. Delivery terms are always intended as indicative, in favor of the Supplier, and not essential for the Buyer. In the event of a delay in delivery exceeding 15 working days compared to the agreed date, the Buyer will have the right to cancel the contract for the part remaining unexecuted after having granted the Supplier in writing a further extension of 10 working days and this has not been respected. However, any liability of the Supplier for direct and indirect damages due to early, delayed or total or partial non-delivery of the items is excluded. The Buyer is always required to take delivery of the goods, even in the case of partial deliveries, and even when the same is delivered before the agreed date or after that date. If the Buyer does not take delivery of the goods, he will bear all storage and custody costs and will be required to pay the related fees in full. The Buyer will also be required to pay, for each week of storage after the first 10 days, towards storage and administrative costs, an amount equal to 5% of the total value of the goods not delivered/collected, in addition to any expenses charged by the carrier.

7. Disputes about the supply

Any defects in the delivered products must be reported to the Supplier in writing within eight days of delivery. Any discrepancies in the quantity of goods delivered compared to the order will not give the right to terminate the contract or suspend payments, but only to the integration of the supply with the missing goods. The return of the goods must in any case be authorized by the Supplier. In this case, following verification of the disputed goods upon arrival at its premises, the Supplier may replace the defective goods, or declare in writing the termination of the contract, offering the refund of the price paid for the defective goods. The Buyer loses the warranty right if he is not up to date with payments. Any dispute or complaint does not entitle the Buyer to suspend the agreed payments.

8. Confidentiality

The Buyer undertakes to keep confidential and not to disclose to third parties, where this is not strictly necessary for the purposes of the legitimate use of the purchased goods, for the entire duration of the relationship and for a further three years from the delivery of the last supply of each product, any commercial information relating to the products purchased or this supply (price, payment terms, etc.).

9. Industrial and intellectual property

The buyer expressly acknowledges that the items purchased are the result of the Supplier's inventive step; that the purchase of the products and their use, direct or indirect, will not give rise to the transfer in its favor of any industrial or intellectual property rights on the products sold, or exploitation rights, which will remain with the Supplier; which, also pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 623 II paragraph of the Criminal Code, any technical and commercial information, directly or indirectly attributable to intellectual works and/or design and/or patents inherent to the articles covered by this contract, is of absolute industrial and commercial secrecy, also from the point of view of private, so that even partial disclosure will result in civil and criminal liability.

10. Jurisdiction

The Court of Trani will be exclusively competent for any dispute arising from the contract.

11. Information on the protection of personal data

Pursuant to and for the purposes of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, as subsequently amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018 which implemented the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), the Parties mutually give their consent to the processing of their respective personal data, within the limits of what is necessary for the execution of this supply and for the fulfillment of the related legal obligations, mutually acknowledging that they have been adequately informed about the purposes, methods and scope of such processing